Windows 7 End-of-Life and Important Security Update

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A little over 10 years ago, Windows 7 was released to computer users all over the world. It brought with it a number of security, performance and usability improvements that further defined how we use computers today.

Since then, Microsoft has greatly enhanced the security and performance of their operating system and gave it a new name: Windows 10. The IT community has fully embraced Windows 10 as the successor of Windows 7, as the vendor no longer supplies security patches for the aged operating system.


This has a tendency to quickly create security concerns for your business, employees, vendors, contractors and customers if your business has computers utilizing the antiquated Windows 7.

For example: CVE-2020-0601. This security risk was recently discovered and patched, and has the potential to allow an attacker to access the data on your computer, and the data being transferred across the Internet and your network.

To mitigate this issue, we strongly encourage all businesses to upgrade to Windows 10. Jurrens & Associates specializes in computer infrastructure upgrades.

Reach out to us today to learn more! We procure new Windows and Mac computers, and can help to make the migration process as easy as possible.